Ms. Prajwalita Bora
Clinical Psychologist
As a Clinical Psychologist, I seek to understand the ability or strength of one to make the moment beautiful by living a life full of possibilities. I am efficient in using problem solving and solution-focused interventions. My approach includes understanding to help releasing pent up emotions by being supportive and empathetic. I believe Becoming is better than Being.
I hold a M. Sc. Degree in Clinical Psychology from Jain University, Bangalore. I have experience of working sessions with patients of Schizophrenia, OCD, Bipolar, GAD. I have expertise in conducting VSMS on children, understanding children with intellectual disability, SLD, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety. I believe the patient has an active role in treatment and at the same time I understand my role in building a safe space for the person.